The Website Success Show: SEO & Website Tips For Local & Online Businesses Who Want More Website Traffic & Sales

027: Benefits of Podcasting - 3 Months That Transformed My Business

Jules White Season 1 Episode 27

In this episode, Jules White reflects on her first three months of podcasting and how it's impacted her business. Jules shares the inspiration behind starting her podcast, her journey from live Facebook videos to podcasting, and the unexpected successes along the way. She discusses the challenges of overcoming perfectionism, staying consistent, and how podcasting has helped her create sustainable content.

Jules also highlights the power of podcasting for connecting with an audience, growing without social media, and how the podcast has given her content she can repurpose for emails, blogs, and client resources. She touches on the importance of not overthinking content and trusting that even simple, imperfect episodes can resonate with listeners.

Key Takeaways:

  • Overcoming Perfectionism: Learn how Jules embraced imperfections and stopped worrying about perfect episodes to focus on the message.
  • Repurposing Content: Discover how podcasting allowed her to repurpose Facebook live videos, leading to consistent content creation.
  • Growing Without Social Media: Jules shares her decision to grow her podcast without promoting it on social platforms and how she’s found success through podcast SEO and networking.
  • Building Authority: Podcasting has helped Jules establish authority in her niche while creating sustainable content for her business.
  • The Power of Dynamic Content: Hear why Jules chose Buzzsprout as her podcast hosting platform for its dynamic content features.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

  • Free SEO Report – Discover areas for improvement on your website to boost traffic and conversions.
  • Podcast SEO Course – Learn how to optimise your podcast episodes for search to reach more listeners.

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Hi, happy Friday. today I want to talk about my three months of podcasting. This has been a incredible for my business. 

I'm so pleased I decided to start the podcast and I just wanna talk about a little bit about the journey and how it's been so far, how it's going.

And I hope you find it helpful. I hope you enjoy it. 

Starting the Podcast Journey

I've been doing these lives here in this Facebook group for the last, uh, about 18 months. So I think I started, it was last summer. I think it was around May time that I created the group started doing the Friday lives, 

I don't know if Friday is the best day to do it, but it's a day that works for me It just seems to always be Friday was good morning to do it and I enjoy doing them So I've been doing that but I hadn't really done anything further with it. 

So obviously, you know, I'm using the group and doing other things in the group, but in terms of actually using that content that I'm doing every week elsewhere. I wasn't really doing anything with that. 

So I had this idea that I, I wanted to do something with it. And I, I love podcasts. I've been listening to podcasts for years and not so much, obviously business ones, not so much that.

Back when I was in the salon, I used to listen to like Adam Chatterley's, uh, beauty Business Podcast, which was actually the first podcast I went on as a guest, I think. And, so that was really good. 

And so back in my salon days, if I'd have thought that I would end up being a guest on Adam's podcast talking about websites and SEO, I probably wouldn't have believed you.

The Power of Podcasts

But I've always loved podcasts and I, what I love about them and why I think they're so powerful is your, there in people's lives, so you're there when they are doing other things. 

Like, I listen to podcasts, I love listening to podcasts in the car, and when I'm doing housework, or when I'm getting ready in the morning, or, like, you don't have to be, you don't have to have your full attention on the podcast.

And that's not to say that I don't listen, I don't, you know, take things in and listen to, when I'm listening to podcasts. 

But, I think it's just good being integrated as part of people's lives. And especially if you're releasing content regularly, people get used to that being there. Like, certainly the podcasts I listen to, podcast stack is a bit like my stack of books that I want to read.

I need to sort of rein it in a little bit because I will hear about a new podcast and think, Oh yeah, that sounds good. I'm going to add that one to the list and I end up subscribing to loads. I've got loads on my playlist and I don't have as much time. 

So when I was working, I used to have my car journey, even though I only worked like 15 minutes away.

I used to have that journey back and forth to work every day and I don't have that now. Sometimes I listen to podcasts when I'm on the dog walk, but then I also try and have that mental space there. So I do try and not do other things when I'm walking the dog just to give my brain a chance to just, have a think and to just clear stuff through really.

So I think the trouble is, especially with me listening to lots of business y type podcasts or podcasts about SEO, I end up putting information into my brain and sometimes I just need to give my brain a chance to, to process it all really. 

But, but I, that's sort of going off point really. What I was talking about there was the fact that, our podcasts can become an ingrained part of people's lives. It becomes a habit of actually listening to us. 

And I think the big thing I've found with podcasts is when I listen to people's podcasts, I feel like I know them. I feel like I really get to know people's style and personality. There are definitely podcasts that I love listening to and I like listening to them because I like hearing, hearing the fumbles and the, you know, all of the, the sort of the personality coming through.

And I think that's why. I'm not too worried about AI taking over because you can do voice generation and things now and I've listened to a few of those kind of podcasts and , I don't like them. I don't like it if it sounds like it's a robot voice, it sounds perfect, sounds very, um, very published and very sort of edited and, you know, It doesn't sound real, I'm, I don't like that so much. 

So I'm not worried about AI replacing us all, us podcasters. I think that, that, that won't be a problem really. Cause I think people like that human connection that we like to see the real people behind it. 

Challenges and Initial Steps

So I had this feeling that I wanted to get into podcasting. I wanted, my big desire, I think, wasn't necessarily it being podcasting.

I had heard lots about podcasting being very time consuming and that it was, you know, the editing process was very difficult and all the planning and the recording. I'd heard that, so I was, I thought, Oh, is it going to be a big thing? I'd heard about lots of people that had started podcasts and then given up.

And so I knew that I wanted it to be very. easy. I wanted it to not become a complication in my business. I wanted it to be something that was an addition and a, and something that I love doing in my business and not an extra chore, an extra something to do.

And that's why I was thinking these Friday lives, I would make that part of it.

For me, I'm much better doing something live than recording it. You know, a podcast where it's just me recording without anybody on live, even if nobody's here watching on that particular day, I am much better just getting on doing it. 

Mistakes, warts and all, you know, and I often find that when I listen back to things, I don't make as many mistakes as I think I have.

I have a voice in my head every time I'm recording anything or live doing anything, there's always a voice in my head saying "you're fumbling, you're rambling, you're, you know, you've made loads of mistakes". 

There's always that inner critic is there. Constantly. And it is getting better, I definitely think it is. The more I do it, the more I listen to my stuff back, because I do do a little bit of editing, the more I listen to it, I realise, actually, no, that sounded fine. 

And I think I learnt this lesson really early on with the lives. 

I can remember it, the first one I did, the first time I ever recorded anything for the group, sitting in pub in, like, it was in the morning, I was meeting somebody for a coffee, sitting in the pub in Amptill, I started recording a video and I got three quarters of the way through and fumbled and like made a mistake. 

So I stopped and recorded it again. And then it was actually, I didn't even stop it. So I just, I just started back at the beginning and just recorded it again. 

And then when I got home and edited it. It was perfect up until that moment and that moment was wasn't even a big stumble it wasn't like it was fine. And I was so frustrated that I then had to go through and edit it from that point and you know it was just so silly doing that and that was a really big lesson early on that actually I'm better off doing it live because then I can't stop I just keep going and it's all fine it's all fine even if you completely lose your train of thought which i multiple times or go off on a tangent, which I do every time, then it's fine.

It's fine. It's never a disaster doing that really. that was why I decided that I wanted to turn these, make the Friday Live the podcast recording. 

I had to become very comfortable with the fact of it not being perfect. And that. because sometimes I record the Friday lives in the car, I wanted that to be part of it. So it doesn't matter whether I'm in the car or I'm sat at my desk. I wanted it to be part of that Friday live and then just turning those into a podcast.

So minimal editing. Getting it live. I wasn't sure which podcast app to use. I'm really pleased with the one I chose, but basically not making it a big deal, not making it something, where I allowed my inner critic to take over, not making it something where I worried about who was going to be listening or it being perfect or , the, the, the sort of ins and outs of it.

I decided, nope, I'm going to go for it. 

Launching and Growing the Podcast

So back in June, I just thought, right, I'm going to do it. I'm going to make it an intro episode. I think that was the thing that was hanging me up a little bit was recording an intro and I just did it and it's fine. It's like, I don't know, six or seven minutes.

The first episode, just talking about what the podcast's about, my hopes for it and enjoy listening to it basically. And then recorded a little intro for it that goes into each episode. That was good once I got that done and recorded that first live and it was good because I was still doing I was doing the Friday live.

So the first week that I decided to do it. It's like right. Okay, we're gonna do it this morning and I recorded the live, edited it put it on the podcast platform and then didn't really do anything with it.

So I was feeling like I wanted to have 10 episodes live before I started really talking about it and one thing I've probably not said about in this part of the reason that I wanted to get the podcast was there are people that are in the group here who I know love hearing my content and they need it for their business. 

It's really helpful for them in their business, but they don't like being in Facebook. So I kind of went into the podcast thinking, okay, well if it's just me and my friend who I know would love to listen to this content but doesn't want to be in Facebook, then that's okay.

I'm all right with that. So I thought, well, if I do that and it just helps me to create some content that I own that's outside of Facebook, that was the goal. When I first went into it. I didn't go into it thinking, okay, I hope I'm gonna get, so many listeners, or that it's gonna transform my business or anything.

I, I sort of went into it with very low expectations of, of what might happen with the podcast, and I knew that I was gonna keep going because I'm gonna keep going with the Friday lives. 

I, you know, I enjoy doing them. I love, I, yeah, I love being here and, and doing them as much as I did go through a little stage where I got a little bit hung up with what I was delivering and whether it was enough and everything. 

I do really enjoy doing them. And so that was what I thought, I'm just going to do it. So I wanted to have 10 episodes live, as I say, before I started promoting it.

And I did that. And it's been really helpful because what I also decided was all of this back content that I've got. So I've got a year plus worth of videos. And as much as, of them in there that aren't relevant or that I won't, bother repurposing. But there's also a lot of good content in there.

So I had a plan that , for the first few episodes, I would record a new one each week on the Friday and then I would also repurpose an old piece of content as well. 

So that was really good because it helped me get to 10 episodes quite quickly and I think I, I think I actually went in and, and like repurposed about three or four.

So I think I was up at 10 episodes within maybe three weeks. 

So I then felt like I could start talking about it. I could start, Asking people to find it, start sending people there. One thing I forgot to do was I forgot in the first month to submit it to the podcast directory. So I forgot to actually tell Apple Podcasts and Spotify and Pocket Casts, which is what I listen on.

I forgot to actually list it in those. And it was about a month after I'd started. I just recorded the episode about. understanding your core topics and are going into a networking group. It was the Friday networking group and I was talking about it and people said, Oh, so how can I find it? And they, we were looking, we were trying to find it on their podcast apps and we couldn't find it.

And I was like, okay, I'll have to look at that. And I, I had heard that you had to have a certain amount of episodes before you would show on, Apple podcasts. And I don't know if that is true actually, because I'd already got like 10 or so episodes when I actually submitted myself to them.

But, I went home and I looked in my, podcast hosting platform, realized I hadn't submitted it. So I hadn't submitted it to YouTube. I've already got a YouTube channel that is massively neglected, but I wanted to put the podcast on there as well. So I hadn't done that.

I hadn't submitted it to tune in radio and all the other ones on there that you can do. And it does it automatically now. So I don't have to do anything else. All I had to do was just hook them up, like basically link into the account, create an Apple podcast account, and it all happens. without me having to worry about that now.

But I did that and then I shared it in our networking local chat to say, Look, I've done it. Please go and listen to my podcast. See if you find it helpful. And suddenly I started to see some people downloading it. That I realized then it wasn't just me listening and my friend, that other people were listening to it.

And that was really good. It gave me a bit of a boost. It gave me, it helped me to realize that It was making a difference and that people were actually enjoying it.

Podcast SEO and Promotion Strategy

So that was really good I, had made a decision early on that I wasn't going to promote the podcast and social media. So I think this is something with podcasting that can become a a real chore is creating like creating soundbites, creating snippets, promoting it, doing lives, promoting a new podcast episode.

This is something within the podcasting world that I hear people moaning about that they don't necessarily want to do that. And I wanted the podcast to be my own success story in terms of podcast SEO. I recorded a workshop earlier in the year around podcast SEO, and I wanted to be able to show that I did it without without social media.

And it's something that I'm not saying I will never promote the podcast on social media, but I at least for the moment I still want that to be the case because once I promote it once and that that cherry is popped and you can't then go back on that really. So I am. That's what I'm doing. At the moment, I'm not promoting it on social media.

So, the only time I'm ever mentioning my podcast on social media is if I happen to, if I'm in a conversation with somebody in a group, and that, and it comes up there. And then I still am not sharing the link to the podcast on there if that happens. I was kind of, I thought about, you know, what class is that actually sharing on social media?

But I'm just, I'm just, my goal is to be able to say to people, well, this is what I did do. And this is what I didn't do. And it still grew anyway. So I've not put it on my, in my bios. I've not put it in any of my cover photos. I've not put any links to it on anywhere on social. And I'm happy with that. I'm happy that the growth will be slower.

It maybe, who knows, who knows what it would have been if I'd have used socials because you don't know that, how much reach you're going to get, how much of a difference it's going to make. But I wanted to do it without, just to prove that it is possible. Because I talked to so many people who don't really want to use social media to market their business.

And there's this feeling that you have to do it, that there's no other way to grow your business. There's no other way to market your business unless you are on socials. And if you're, there's this sort of feeling out there that if you're not using socials to market your business, that you're failing and that you're, you know, missing out on a massive opportunity.

And I think there are massive opportunities on social media, but it doesn't mean to say that it's the only way to grow your business. So certainly with podcasting, I think it's a different, different type of audience. And If you can connect with people when they're searching for content like yours, then I think they're more likely to be engaged with it, they're more likely to actually enjoy it.

And then hopefully it lead them on a journey to becoming a customer or becoming a subscriber on your list. So that's why I made that choice of not promoting it on social media. And it is also from doing that, it's made me much more focused on growing it outside of social media. So I think had I been posting on socials, I potentially wouldn't have gone on about it as much as I do in my networking group.

I would like to say thank you to that group for being really supportive and cheering me along the way. Because I probably drive a mad with every time I get to one of my milestones in my podcast player app. So like 100 downloads, 250 downloads, 500 downloads. I'm sharing that in the group and they have really been cheering me on with it.

So I'm, I'm so pleased. And actually not just one networking group, but my, you know, two in particular local networking groups have been, been amazing, as well as my online accountability group as well. So thank you to any, thank you to anyone who's listened, but also thank you to those who have put up with me going on and on about my podcast.

Anytime I do online networking as well, I try and I try and mention it. I do. I actually know I do. There's nothing wrong with saying that is there that I try and mention my podcast, mention the fact that I am trying to grow it without social media as well. And I think that in itself is helpful because people like to get behind a mission.

And I think I think So many people just don't really want that social media in their, in their business, if they can. So any ways to escape it, I think hearing other people doing it is always, we always want to get behind a mission, I think really as well. So thank you to anyone who has shared it and who has enjoyed it and, um, cheered me along the way.

So that's been good. 

Choosing Buzzsprout and Its Benefits

So, the platform that I decided to go with, for the podcast is Buzzsprout, and I'm glad I did. I knew that I wanted to be able to have dynamic content. So I do like podcasts where I listen to them and at whichever episode, whatever time I listen to it, if somebody's talking about an offer or something going on in their business, I'll It's good if it's up to date and I want that for my listeners as well.

So I don't want you to hear about an offer that was that expired 10 months ago if you're listening to an old episode today. So I knew that I wanted a platform where I could insert dynamic content and I love it because it also took the pressure off me a little bit as well.

So my intro is something I do want to tweak it and I will change it at some point, but for now it's okay. And then once I get to a point where I want to change that intro, or I want to, I haven't got an outro if I add an outro in, or when I am promoting a product, or if I've got a flash sale coming up or something like that, it means that I can just record that little snippet and it will automatically insert it throughout all of my Podcasts, which is amazing. 

So whichever one people are listening to, they'll hear that updated offer. So that was one of the reasons that I went with Buzzsprout. I liked the fact fact as well that I could try it without and see how I got on. So you can, you can start off with Buzzsprout and your content was stay there for 90 days.

You are a bit limited on how much you can upload. So in the first month, I went past my upload limit, but they still let me upload. For some reason. It just said that I was past my limit. 

So I don't know if you keep doing that, whether they stop you or something, but it was, it was fine. I was expecting that I might have to upgrade sooner than I did.

But then what happens is once you get past 90 days, that original content gets deleted. So I think I was like two months in and I was like, yep, I know I'm going to stick with Buzzsprout. So I then upgraded at that point. I think I pay something like 12 a month for the plan that I'm on. So I'm like the first paid plan and I love it.

It's, it's been so good to have it there. I like the platform. I like the stats. They kind of, they've gamified it a little bit and that's definitely helped me with it in terms of getting those pushes out there. So you get a badge when you get to five episodes, you know, 10, 15 episodes. I got my 25 episode badge last week.

You get a badge every time you hit the milestones. with downloads and those kind of things as well. , and also you can see where people are listening, you can see how many, obviously how many downloads you've had. And that's good for me, that helps, that gamification helps keep me going. It does also make me a little bit obsessed with looking at the stats, so I do have to add that into my, personal boundaries of not, keep checking the stats to see how it's doing.

So the next milestone I'm going to hit hopefully will be getting to 750 downloads. 

My personal milestone is I would like to, before Sunday, I would like to get to at least 620 downloads. So in the first month I only had 18 downloads and then in months two and three I've got past 500 downloads.

So I think I'm at 537 downloads now. 

So if I can get to 620 downloads, ideally even more, before Sunday, then that will mean that I will have had 600 downloads in the second two months. 

And I'm really pleased with that. I don't, I haven't even looked at what the average number of downloads are for a new podcast, but I'm pleased with that it's, not going to be 500 people. And that was something as well. I was thinking, okay, that's not 500 people listening. Because people might have listened to multiple episodes. 

But I went in and it shows you the cities that people are listening in from. And there was something like a hundred people.

Well, there's more now, actually. Last time I looked, there was something like 103 cities people are listening from, And that was good because that made me feel like, actually, well, that's at least 103 people listening. 

And this is just downloads, so this doesn't count the people who are listening but not downloading the episode I what I assume it is a bit of a vanity metric anyway so it's one of those figures to kind of not you know not it's not necessarily an important figure in my business but I like it because it just keeps me going and I'm assuming those are kind of minimum numbers that that more people are listening than that really so that's That's been good.

That's why I chose Buzzsprout. I definitely recommend If you are thinking of podcasting and you're thinking of going through Buzzsprout , I can share an affiliate link where you can get, £20 credit and I can get £20 credit. 

And if you've got any questions about whether podcasting is right for your business, send me a message because I will, I will happily, as you can hear, I'm passionate about this. I would happily talk about podcasting all day long really. 

One of the things when I first started, as I say, was I wanted it to be imperfect.

Content Creation and Repurposing I wanted to not, not to become a big thing about it being perfect content and. I listen to some very polished podcasts, who are very structured and have clearly got a real plan and a strategy with it. And I know that will come more with me in terms of actually planning things a bit more. 

But at the moment, I'm happy with it being structured. me coming on and chatting and I, I'm enjoying that. I went through a few weeks where I got a little bit hung up with too much planning and planning the episodes and planning all sorts of things and it actually became a bit of a barrier. So there were a few weeks where I was spending too much time planning on a Friday morning before I even went, went live and then started that process of actually turning it into a podcast.

And It, it was making me feel a bit anxious about doing it. It was kind of taking the enjoyment out of it as well. I was just feeling awkward. I was overthinking it, over planning it, allowing that inner critic to kind of take over really. And one of the things that helped with that was then when I was editing those old episodes.

So I would then have, go through this sort of anguish of trying to record a perfect episode and then go in and edit it. And then find that I could feel it, I could hear in my own voice that it was more structured or, you know, that I'd been, I'd written more notes basically. And that then was something that I don't want it to be like that.

And then I, then the contrast would be, I'd go and listen to an old episode where it's literally me sitting in the car rambling about. Or migrating your website or whatever. And it sounded a lot better. Sounded it's, you know, again, wasn't perfect, but it's, it just sounded better. It sounded more like what the, the type of things that I wanted to be putting out there and how I wanted to be talking to people.

And that was just a good reminder, I think for me, really of actually, okay, let's just take it back a bit. Let's not overthink this. actually a comment from somebody who said to me, so it was quite early on and she said that she'd listened to it and even just having somebody come up to me and say, I've been listening to your podcast and I've been really enjoying it a bit of an aha moment. It was a bit like, oh yeah, that's good. 

It's helpful. People are finding it helpful. I wasn't expecting it. It was, you know, a networking event and it was sort of, so an unexpected compliment. And it was, that was the goal that it was helpful for people. And she said, yeah, I'm loving the fact that you're just breaking it down and making it really simple.

And I need to hear it over and over again. And that was a really good reminder that people do need the basics. We, in our businesses, we maybe get caught up with feeling like, Oh, I've already talked about that. actually, I know I need to hear something at least four or five times, if not more, before it sort of sinks in.

It's like drip feeding, I suppose, really. So that was a really good reminder to keep it simple. And then what I did after that was I then recorded episode 13, which was SEO basics. And That is still my most popular episode. So regardless of all the other episodes, some of the early ones haven't got too many downloads, but that episode is the most popular episode.

And of course it is because if you're coming to listen to a website, uh, listen to a website, listen to a podcast about websites and then SEO basics is realistically going to be what you are, what you want to hear. So that's good. 

That episode has been a really good reminder to keep it simple, keep it even more simple than I, I feel it needs to be really, I was talking to somebody this week about the episode I did last week about links and even just that we had a conversation I was like actually I need to break that down even more as well and just so not assuming that people know. 

And that's been helpful in terms of me actually thinking about what the content i'm talking about And how can how can I just break it down?

How can I break seo down into bite sized pieces that people can take action on? And improve their website and get some results in their business. So that's been, as I say, been really helpful in terms of just not overthinking it, not trying to make it perfect with them.

Impact on Business and Future Plans

So from doing this and from releasing the podcast, I can honestly say it has changed my business.

It's changed how I feel about creating content. It's changed how I feel about what I'm putting out there and how and what people need from me as well. It's helped me to put some sustainable content out there every week. 

So obviously now I have the podcast. I can point people towards it. I can send people to certain episodes and that's happened already with clients as clients have had questions and I've been able to say actually just go and listen to this episode of my podcast and that's been amazing.

And I know that it's good content that they'll find helpful and it's something that then they can listen to it whenever they're ready and yeah, that's been really, really good.

It's made me start emailing my subscribers, which the shame of having having not I've emailed my list since February and then that becomes a bigger and bigger like, uh, milestone, right? 

Oh, no. What's no, what's the word when you have something around your neck, I can't remember, albatross around your neck.

I don't think that's the right, uh, metaphor, but yeah, have that, those chains around your neck that actually I need to do this and the longer it goes on, the worse it feels. 

And I thought that when I did start emailing again. I was gonna everywhere, everyone's gonna unsubscribe. The reality was I sent out an email.

I think I'd been, I'd had, I had quite a few episodes live before I emailed my list. I think it was sort of the beginning of July. I started the episode, I started the podcast on the 14th of June. That was the first episode. Went out and I think it was the, the beginning of July that I started emailing my, list about it.

And I basically did a, I've launched a podcast, email first and foremost, and that immediately. Had the effect of giving the podcast a boost. So I got lots more listens and that people start listening to it each week. 

It gave my website a boost because I was sending people to my pod. Actually, no, maybe I wasn't, I don't think I did the first week. I hadn't put my, I hadn't put the podcast onto the website, so I was sending them to Buzzsprout. It's yeah, it did that. 

And also I got no unsubscribers, nobody unsubscribed from my list. So, the world didn't end and I emailed people and it was fine. But I've started doing that every week now, so each week I'm now emailing my list, I feel comfortable about it, I feel confident about it, it doesn't take me hours to create an email.

I'm not sending out an email saying there's a new podcast released, it is in there, but the email itself is about the subject of the podcast. So hopefully the emails themselves, people are finding them helpful, and they can go in, listen to the podcast, and it definitely has helped. I can see traffic coming into my Google Analytics.

I can see traffic coming to my website through both the podcasts and through the emails. I'm tagging that traffic so I can see specifically where people are coming in from the emails that I'm sending and from the podcast. And that's really good. 

That gives me, again, makes me feel like, okay, I'm doing something that is actually 

making a difference, so yeah, I'm doing that. So I'm emailing every week. I'm also now creating blog posts from that as well. 

I, I have wanted to create blogs. I've got some blogs on my website, but it's something that I've not really done a lot of because I sit down to write a blog and it takes me days. It just is not something that comes naturally to me.

Whereas what I'm doing now is using, I've got some fantastic AI prompts that I'm using to help me go from the once the, once I've recorded and edited the podcast, I can go from that to creating a show description, creating the chapters, creating a blog, like the outline of a blog that sounds like me, that I can then just go in and edit and update.

And I know that I will expand on that content. I know those blogs will get better over time, which should happen naturally anyway. If you're creating blogs, then 

don't just put them out there and forget about them forever. 

They can become content that you can keep, keep evolving with you and keep updating periodically. You don't have to keep going in and updating all the time, but something that you can keep updating so that you keep, keep going up the rankings and you, and you're making the most of that content as well. 

So that's good. I've got a few new blogs on my, on my website and each week I'm doing that now.

That's part of the process of creating the Podcast is creating that blog and creating the emails as well. So that's been really, really good. It's also been something that I've been able to put those podcasts into my nurture sequences as well. 

So when people sign up for my freebies or when people buy from me, then I can bring point them to helpful content in the podcast, which is good.

Again, I send them to my website. Now I have a podcast page on my website and that's actually becoming one of my most visited pages, which makes sense. If I'm sending an email out to my list every week that points people towards that page and I'm sharing the podcast when I'm talking to people as well, makes sense that they're going to be going into that page.

But even doing that. It's a page of my website that I really love. I find I'm feeling like over the last three months, I'm actually really, I feel good about my own website. I feel good about my branding. I feel good about what's on there and it being helpful and that it's helping, helping my business.

So that has been a really positive thing as well. And it's allowing me to have that content. It's it's like an anchor point, really that podcast page on my website and the blog pages are an anchor point where I can send people and they can, you know, understand more about me, understand more about how I work, understand about me bumbling in my words and, you know, being a bit of a geek all the time really.

But it's something that is really, I can only say a positive thing in my business, and I feel like I've just scratched the surface with it as well. I feel like I, yeah, I listen to lots of podcasts about podcasting, about web development and, and, and using podcasts to help with that, and I get so many ideas that I know that.

It's going to be a big part of my business. At the moment I am releasing two, two episodes a week where I'm using, I'm so Friday is the live episode and then Monday is repurposing the old content and that's, that's working well for me. I'm liking doing that. It's, I'm enjoying it. And I, I think even when I get past having all the content, From from sort of the backlog done.

I may still record two episodes a week. I feel like there there are there is so much I could do with it and and with tech evolving as well. I'm never worried about running out of things to say with SEO because there's always going to be new things to say about that. 

So I would say if you're thinking of podcasting. If you have a podcast already or if you're thinking of starting one, I would highly encourage you to do it. Especially if you're spending a lot of time creating content. 

If you're creating reels and lives and things for social media, thinking about ways that you can then repurpose that into a podcast.

If you're going to do it, make sure that you do have A podcast page on your own website. Ideally, each podcast episode then becomes a blog which has its own URL on your website as well. And it will help you to build out that sustainable content. It helps you to increase your authority within the topics that you talk about.

And, As I say, I have nothing but good things to say about my experience with podcasting. And I feel, as I say, like I've just scratched the surface, there's so much that we could do. One of the things I thought about this morning was that I could create playlists and have blog posts, which is like cornerstone content.

So that really important content on my website, a blog post that talks about a particular topic like the basics of SEO. And then I have a playlist of all the episodes that relate to that as well. So as I get more and more content out there, that's something that I think I will, I will sort of explore that further and see how, how that could, could go.

Success Stories and Conclusion

So if you are already podcasting, oh, I forgot to say that one of my success stories from last week somebody joined my email list and requested a free SEO report and I've started. 

Trying to connect with people and actually just check that they're getting the reports because a lot of them over the last few months, I've found that they just go into people's spam annoyingly.

So I reached out to this person and I said, can you remember how you found me? And she said she was in Australia and she said that she typed increased website traffic into Apple podcasts and she found me.

And that was like, you can imagine me jumping around the room when somebody said that I was the. Like the epitome it working and actually making a difference. And that was, that's, that was really good. That was really good to have, to have that actually. And podcast SEO is something that you can get results with that really quickly. 

So normal SEO does take time for us to see results. And you know, it's something that we are building that the results, the work that you do now will pay dividends in three, six, nine, 12 months time and beyond. Not to say that you can't ever get quick results with SEO, but this is, I think the good thing with podcast SEO is if you make changes, then those changes show up in the podcast player apps straight away.

So you can start connecting with people straight away who are searching for Your type of content. If this is something that you're, you are podcasting, you feel like you would like to do more around optimizing your, your episodes for search. 

I have my podcast SEO course on my website. So I'll link to that as well.

So I would definitely recommend checking that out and let me know If there, if you have any questions about that, or, if there's anything I can help with it's a course that I had. It was a workshop I did earlier this year, and I'm going to add more into it now that I've got more experience myself SEO for podcasts.

I will be adding more to it and just developing that as well. It's something I kind of stumbled into the world of podcasting and podcast SEO and I'm so glad I did because it has truly made a difference in my business. 

So thank you for listening and I will see you soon. Have a great weekend.